My goal for July is to elevate.
What? How? Where?
We’ll find out en route.
I feel different than at any time before.
Parts of me had broken, new emerged, some resurfaced from deep, deep down.
I feel ready to try new things, even if it means moving beyond the easy, the familiar.
I will not force anything, that’s not the way.
Dancing gently past what’s been, into the unknown - here’s where my heart beats.
🧠 On my mind
Ever since meeting the Old Master, I can’t stop thinking about getting more aura -practice (again).
Over the last 3 or so weeks I’ve let go of much of my dedication to training, writing & meditation.
While I enjoyed parts of this non-strictness, I can’t deny my overall wellbeing took a hit.
Energy levels? Lower
Capacity to feel, love, enjoy? Lower
Stress levels? Higher
Too much thinking, too little doing, constant tension & agitation? Present.
What I saw in the Master - combination of immense strength, aura, almost godly presence, all while maintaining chill, lax & goodhearted attitude - made me realize how much I miss the Way.
I will not go to the extremes like in the past, but my balance point is definitely closer to more practice than I had in June.
🧠Money making
My thoughts & concerns orbit mainly around work & money.
I feel like I’m entering a new phase.
My dedication to making bank is at all time high.
I’m done with excuses, half-assing, the bullshit.
Powerful, aligned shots → I’m tapping into my inner $.Curry
Watch out
🧠 Holiday adventures
One reason why I’m so involved in earning is the upcoming flurry of events.
We don’t want to let this vacay go to waste.
Summer Contrast / Garbicz / Damian’s Wedding / Spain Trip / other smaller & bigger adventures - to make them happen, I need more Dolla.
And don’t even get me started on moving out, second baby or finally upgrading our wardrobes - those things are hella expensive too.
But I’m getting it done.
Trust my word.
🧠 New creative endeavours
This mini-vacay week allowed, invited a waterfall of new ideas.
My notes app is bursting at the seams.
Now the challenge lies in choosing.
Maybe you could help me out on this?
👷 Work
Here’s my current line of thinking:
The only way to make actual money over the next 2 weeks (pre-summer contrast) is selling subscriptions.
I don’t think it’s possible to get, negotiate, sign & get money transferred for a “project” understood as working for someone.
Maybe a sponsorship deal is possible.
Maybe selling consulting hours.
Maybe coming up with a product (course, ebook, paid access to parts of my work)
But a project is most likely something destined to fail if we understand success as money in the bank.
I’m fucking scared.
Epicly shat in pants.
Are we really in this moment?
One I dreamed of for so long now, yet one I’m still so scared of when it came?
That’s the dream, that’s the route, that’s the current objective.
Get paid subscriptions!!!
Enough talking about should & would bees.
At least try to swing the ace in the direction of The Enchanted Dragon.
Maybe, on closer inspection, he’ll turn into Prince Adorable?
Do not obsess about this idea.
Do not let it cover my entire spectrum of vision.
But let’s test this hypothesis, in the shortest amount of time possible.
If it fails, we’ll launch another experiment.
If it succeeds, even better.
We’ll double down.
De-attach from emotions, past conditioning, false narratives of scared parts.
It’s possible to get it done AND we, I am capable of getting it done.
Luzik, luzik AND full force
The Dreamer’s Reality.
What is the first step?
Create a majestic piece(s)
allow all quirkiness in
take your time (but not too long)
let all parts shine, play to all strengths
permission to go mach3
quality AND quantity
ambient = all encompassing
create with playful attitude / have fun
Share broadly
no-half assing on this front
do it to my highest ability
spendinvest time on itdon’t be shy
do it like you’d advise someone else to do it
Optimize for conversions
ask for money - you only get what you ask for
offer awesome value
make it obvious