What adventures await?
I’m super excited for this season.
Spain starts in 17 days.
I’ve reached a level of confidence that allows to (finally) share my works.
Nati is a certified Killah in all things work.
We’ve developed a new, boogielicious groove with Hugi.
This is the best time of our LIFE.
Sure, my plate is still full.
That won’t likely change anytime in the next 40 years.
The thing is…
….I’m not expecting life to be “easy” in the meaning of zero challenges, unlimited beach days, and perfect weather all the time.
I don’t want easy.
I want ALIVE.
Wild, Intense, Crazy,
Tough, Explosive, Surprising,
My biggest wish for the coming days / weeks is to cultivate the inner strength and physical health.
This foundation will allow me to thrive in every department I care about:
Family & Friends
No matter how big the waves,
my plan is to enjoy every second at the sea.
It’s Captain B speaking:
⭐ Amazing Things:
⭐ All Saints Day - Visiting cemetery & telling Hugi stories about my beloved Grandpa Jan “Master Mariner” Trocha
⭐ Family Diner at Bałdziak
⭐ Nati vel Loco Scissorhands
⭐ Golden Autumn Nap Walk
⭐ Inspector Hug
⭐ Form Check
⭐ Lol content