Second break-in of the day
and it’s only half past 9am.
First, the Boyz sneaked into a closed playground by my primary school.
My rusty ninja skills + wet fence almost cost me a life xD
But we got in.
…and had fun
Now, I charmed my way into a cafeteria that only opens to public in 2 hours.
Thanks to the power of perseverance,
I’m enjoying a very fine moment as we speak ;)
Really, I couldn’t have wished for a better setup for my mid-season Finale
My mind is getting quieter.
My moves are becoming less rigid.
I’m entering the world of spontaneous flow.
The ultimate proof I’ve reached my destination
and it’s time to begin New Adventures.
But first, a short reflection on the last 2 weeks 2 days.
The flurry of challenges I faced was exactly what I needed.
”Pressure makes diamonds” (cc:Folamour)
And that’s exactly what happened.
Our hero had no other choice
but to rise up to the occasion,
becoming who he really is in the process.
Yes, he had to pay a price.
Sleepless nights,
moments of confusion,
wishing for things to be easier,
It was all part of the deal.
He won.
AND he will keep on winning.
With the newfound self-confidence (that’s the muscle that grows everytime you overcome tough shit),
lighter thanks to all the crap the needed to let go en route,
and above it all Softened (what breaks your ego is good for the soul),
he’s READY.
What’s coming?
The scenario is being improvised as we go, folks.
That’s the beauty of this show.
Expect the unexpected.
It’s gonna be a wholesome one.
That much I can tell.
Entering my rom(antic)-com(edy) Era.
Amazing Things:
🏩 Mid-season finale journaling at Vela
Absolute delight.
I was happy-dancing while writing - this only happens with very special entries.
PS. Plus this track in the background…mmm…
🏩 Evening sheninghighs
Some things never change.
Among them, how much I love hazy sessions with my wifey.
(My stomach is not as fond though. The amount of food I devoured got out of control)
We both needed to let loose.
High delivered.
🏩 Nati “The Pirate” Zuma
Does she wear an eyeband? ✔
Does she drink liqueur? ✔
Does she swear? ✔
Is she a badass? ✔✔✔
…then she MUST be a Pirate
Luckily, Nati’s injury (Hugi-inflicted) is apparently not that serious and should be fine in a couple of days.
🏩 Instant medical treatment & the most reliable firm on earth - Mum&Dad
My parents are too good to be true.
Whatever, literally whatever happens, I, We can ALWAYS count on them.
Gratitude overflow.
The 30 min after fixing Nati’s eye were cool too.
When Hugi called my Dad “Ziomalu”(Homie) I lost my marbles.
🏩 Publishing “LOVE-Fully”
New series begins.
I’m super happy with this piece, and with myself for getting it done.
It’s a new beginning, fo sho.
read here: ✈️ 25 October 2023 LOVE-Fully (new journal)
🏩 Talking on the phone with Mimi
I appreciate every chance we get to talk.
This bond, brotherhood means the World to me.
🏩 Morning Dentist (Nati) / Playtime (Boyz)
Baloon, track, lurking on singing kids at school, spiced up with memories of my 4-6 grade.
Good time.
+ I didn’t kill myself jumping over the fence → another reason to be happy ;)
🏩 Seeing Nati’s work and being utterly blown away
She’s an animal.
The quality & quantity of material she created in Poznań left me (literally!) speechless.
What the fuck!
Master at work.
🏩 New perspective on my works
I also showed Nati my recent works.
She laughed, cried, was visibly moved & amazed.
For the first time in a long time, so was I.
These pieces are good.
I can’t wait to share them!