I’m in between two worlds.
The rushed, worried, tense old self
and unhurried, soft, floating Me.
I’m too tired to write an in-depth summary of everything that’s going on.
Maybe tomorrow…
For now, let’s enjoy some cosy memories.
⛱️ Amazing things today
⛱️ Ear-to-ear / belly-to-belly / shin-to-shin
This game is simply delightful.
Today, as counter-medicine to all-around chaos and tense nerves, it hit home even mightier.
Proper close-up.
Humane touch.
⛱️ (Winning) election
I am pleased with how today’s election seems to have played out (let’s wait for official results before full-on champagne poppin’)
It’s a new beginning, a step towards change.
Hopefully in the right direction.
Personal highlight?
Hugi dropping the votes into the box, my mom baking a Chałka Wyborcza (delicious…mmm), and my dad’s next-level happiness with the upcoming change of guard.
⛱️ The servicemen
Hammering nails, inspecting the toolbox, all the manly stuff.
Felt gooood.
Especially coming after a meltdown, partly directed at my Boy…
⛱️ Climbing the stoney hill & the view from above
“The best views come after the toughest climbs”.
This one wasn’t particularly extreme, but somehow it shifted my perspective in a profound way.
Worth the effort.
⛱️ Nostalgia hits
Total ecstasy during nap walk.
The kind of moment when all worries disappear, and pure joy of being ensues.
🎵 Rhode & Brown feat COEO - Women (Vocal Mix)
🎵 Joris Voorn - Esquape
🎵 Nora En Pure - Come With Me
🎵 Marquis Hawkes - Towerblock Boogie
⛱️ Working on the journals
I dare you to name one time when this wasn’t a great time.
My sense, bread, DNA.
⛱️ Hugi falling asleep in my embrace
I know things are fine when his touch feels so natural.
I might not have been an ideal parent at times lately but he seems to still love me.
I sure do love you, Son-ny 🌞
⛱️ The armor-free glimmers of true love
Sitting hand-in-hand in the car,
reading books in the morning,
2 min post-wood-chopping meditation,
on the walk
→I’m on my way into the new dimension.
Ease. Being. Honest.
No time pressure.