Today has definitive AFTERPARTY vibe.
Fuck it, I’m letting myself
Creating. Writing. Editing.
Doing my thing.
The sun is out in full force.
🏖️ Amazing things today:
🏖️ Chillworkin’
I did work quite a bit today, but in a new, completely relaxed way.
Pure creative flow.
It was a big, big pleasure.
Enjoy the Process!
🏖️ Morning taxi mission
Our guests needed to get back homes.
Driver’s duty, as promised, executed.
I took Hugo with me so that Nati could sleep a bit more.
🏖️ This bomb track
🏖️ Idea generation
Options, scenarios, concepts, strategy, it all seems to be coming along nicely.
Puzzles are starting to fall into place.
🏖️ Sending a nice thank you message to Dad
They’re doing so much to support us & me.
I’m forever grateful.
🏖️ Allowing myself to explore
Drawings, new formats, video, sharing raw, stories, reels, posts, products, jobs, genres, roles, places, aura