The last couple days were amazing.
I am so lucky.
Being kissed by my Hugi on the neck
Neverending fun, games & giggles
Family adventures
Wood chopping
Smokey evenings (&some days)
Potato day
Mornings in bed <dosypianie>
Work success
Big plans yet enjoying today
This season ends on a high.
I’m so happy, so fulfilled, so me,
all I want is to carry this joyful spirit in all days to come.
Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor
- Rumi
Today, Forever.
Love, Bartosz
⛱️ Amazing Things
20 September
⛱️ Morning Biking with Hugi
⛱️ Hammock Fun (cukierki kupowe / poo candies)
⛱️ Hugi Devouring Grana Padano
21 September
⛱️ Jacek Rozumek
⛱️ Łegucki Celange Stories Work
⛱️ Saying Goodbye to Babcia Nina
22 September
⛱️ Beach Day (Long walk with Hugi / Fun & swim despite cold weather)
⛱️ Ikea
23 September
⛱️ Hugi helping me out with wood & riding wheelbarrow
⛱️ Fredzia’s bday
24 September
⛱️ Tula is coming Home
⛱️ More hammock fun
⛱️ Amazing photos afternoon
⛱️ Cookie Monster Love
25 September
⛱️ Amazing morning with Hugi (doing all I can to make him happy)
⛱️ Meeting Tula <3
⛱️ Kasztany (chestnuts)
26 September “The Perfect Day”
⛱️ Chopping Wood, Work + Pay, Tula + Hugi Walk in the Park, Lunapark, Skatepark, Pizza, Farewell Joint + Celebration, Fast Hands