I’m in work (war?) room, listening to this week’s Discover.
Nati & Hugi are packing for tomorrow’s Cracow trip.
I’m enthusiastic about the vacay.
Couple days in new environment, away from must-dos, surrounded by friends, is exactly what I/we need now.
🏖️ Amazing Things
🏖️ recovery / resurfacing
After two days of storm, I’m (almost) at bay.
I needed this turbulence to shake me awake, get back on track.
But I’m glad it’s over.
Venom left the system.
Sun is breaking thru.
Living feels good again.
🏖️ talking to other parents on playground
I enjoy these parent to parent conversations.
I even made friends with some of the other regulars.
It’s great to be among people I have something in common with.
I’d live for it to happen also work-wise.
🏖️ not pushing myself to edit & publish the 20th June turbo vulnerable journal
Maybe at some point I’ll feel okay with sharing that intimate thoughts.
Today was not the day.
Letting it go made me feel authentic, true to myself.
🏖️ afternoon work slot
I took my time today & it felt awesome.
I love these days when I don’t need to hurry, have space to think, feel & create
🏖️ first drawing in weeks
🏖️ watching workers set up lunapark with Hugi
🏖️ discover + meditation → feeling release with every minute
🏖️ zen walk = mi amore
🧠 On my mind
🧠 fear list = task list
Where your fear is, there is your task
— Carl Jung
During the walk I started noting down the things I’m scared work-wise.
The most important observation is : the list of my fears is my task list.
Go against the stressors, start making moves into their direction = “easiest” way out of impasse, end of meandering.
Anxiety = caused by inaction
Not moving = fearful
Taking steps, even the smallest ones = confident, able, mighty!