I’m running around like a headless chicken.
Throwing myself into millions of tasks, not really achieving a thing.
I’m scared & use this fake movement as cover-up.
What is it that I truly want now?
Which way is my way?
Perhaps the biggest of all problems is completely elsewhere.
I’m getting obsessed (again):
I’m putting myself under too much pressure
I want effects now, or even yesterday
I’m starting to lose ground, act irrationally, overheat my nervous system, loose the joy of living.
That’s not my way.
There must be a different one.
How to tune into the gentler, more fine tuned frequencies?
How to swing, kill, feed with dancer’s grace?
How to choose what’s really mine to do?
It’s monday.
I’m ready to unleash every atom of energy into my dream: breaking out of financial struggle.
Fear is present.
Let’s face it head on.
But first, the vision statement.
Start from “positive”, what I really want.
If everything went GREAT, how would my reality look like on Friday this week? Be specific.
My bank or stripe account has 3k PLN in it.
I’m bursting with joy & sense of accomplishment.
What’s important, I still feel good within - reaching this milestone didn’t turn me into a self-pitying, obsessive, distant machine.
I’ve reached success without compromising my health, family, who I am deep inside.
Imagine this project turned out to be a total disaster. What went wrong?
I spent time doing stuff that didn’t lead to actually earning. There was a lot of movement, busyness, but not goal-oriented action
I wanted to sell something people didn’t want to buy. I’ve put a “product” / service in the market but people were not interested in buying it
This is a two-fold problem
1. I didn’t reach people who could possibly buy
or 2. I reached them but they were not interested in buying
I forced myself to chase something that I didn’t really want just because the analytical side of my brain convinced me it’s the biggest potential idea. Misalignement
I was too rigid in my ways, not open to try new things, throw shots / experiments that could actually change the game / yield results
I half-assed my efforts, played at 20% capacity & talent, probably because of the self-saboteur
I didn’t go for the biggest, highest, THE thing I really wanted because of Fear. Settled for luke-warm
I didn’t invest enough time, work hours to make it happen
If I only had today to earn ANY amount of dollars, what would I do?
convince an existing reader to buy paid subscription
publish / do something to bring new paid subscriber from outside my current subscriber list
maybe there are people in my friend network who don’t subscribe to my work yet? people who follow me on insta but are not on substack yet?
thinking completely outside my friend list - how can I reach new paid readers?
Substack Notes
People already on Substack are used to this model, to supporting
how to go viral on notes?
introduce myself & my work
get reposted by someone with large following
promote “Tools” article & hope it brings new paid readers
Tell more about what I do on instagram / fb / linkedin & offer a “product” - amazing value for people who become paid subscribers
Launch a product eg. access to community
Actual Shots
O. Close friends & existing readers shot - directly talk to & convince people closest to me to support my journey.
First thing that comes to mind is convincing my closest friends.
<Censored> - it feels kinda weird they’re not on my paid list.
It’s not even about money pers se in this case.
It’s about a badge of support, the believing voice.
I remember how good it felt when Ł, G, Cz decided to step in.
I’m not as close with either P or N now, but their yes would mean the world to me.
OO. Friend Investor shot - convince my wealthy friends to invest in my project
I. Instagram convert shot - convince instagram followers & friends to become (paid) subscribers
II. Project: Rich Life shot - create a blogpost about my money/rich life journey, tools, etc , promote it, and monetize either thru getting paid subscribers or offering community access or
III. Consulting hours shot - write a linkedin post to generate demand for consulting hours (also possible : answer all the messages in my inbox about data-driven vc and propose a consulting call?)
IV. Tools article shot - promote Tools article, and hope it generates some opportunities - either paid subs, consulting hours (?), or project work.
(could also work for therapy FAQ, books that really helped, concepts)
V. Substack Notes Hello shot - write an introductory note for Substack notes, try to make it go “viral”, generate buzz around me & hopefully get new paid subscriptions from within the substack network
VI. “Normal” Journal Entry shot - write a regular (~daily) journal entry to my highest ability, promote it to my best ability, make it optimized for conversions, and hope it brings new paid readers.
Publish amazing piece / CREATE
Promote it like a real hustler / PROMOTE
Offer awesome value / OPTIMIZE FOR SALES
= profit.
VII. Sponsorship shot - find a company who will pay for advertising in my work - either becoming a patron of daily journals or for a specific piece (eg. project aura)
VIII. Project : Journal shot - materialize project:journal by any means possible - write a collaborators wanted post, dm people & companies, create buzz around myself, my experiments, etc
IX. <XXX> job / project shot - talk to P. and explore opportunities for working together
Looking at it all from a completely different perspective…
Maybe the obsession with scoring paid subs is unhealthy?
Maybe it’s a flawed idea from the start?
Maybe the real solution is to let this fruit ripe naturally & seek for money elsewhere?
Am I too emotionally attached to this project to see clearly?