🌅 Morning
Boroszewo, Poland
I can.
Whatever is coming,
I’m strong enough.
It’s my time to smash through the fear barrier.
The love & support & belief I’ve given others,
NOW it’s my gift to myself too.
Let the light shine.
Enough standing in the shadows.
Act of Self-Love.
PS. I got this

I am grateful for:
💝 The morning me-hours
I’m a different, better human when I find time for myself in the morning.
Battery loaded, I can rise up to any occasion throughout the day, be of service to my beloved ones.
💝 The new quality of work
I’m raising the bar.
Enough of half-assing, playing below what I’m truly capable of.
I’m giving myself all permissions necessary to shine.
Cherish the work,
deliver the full blossom.
💝 This Fall
As tough as things often go lately, deep down I’m grateful for the challenge.
It’s times like this that push me forward.
Remember all previous years?
Looking back at these growth periods, I know they were essential.
Unlocking new levels.
💝 Doing my best for Hugi
I’m (by far) not a perfect dad.
But I really try, try, try my best.
I’m sorry for my mistakes, Bunny!
I’m just a human…
Remember, please, I love you more than anything.
You are mine, and I am yours.
☀️ Mid-day
Boroszewo, Poland
👷 Work : Joyful Creatorpreneurship
What is the current situation?
🌀 I have a library of journal entries starting on 25th October that are:
a) yet to be published
b) of better quality than any previous
🌀 People’s reactions after sharing “healing notes” were very encouraging
🌀 The idea to publish daily entries to Instagram has been popping up in my head for the last 3? years
🌀 I have almost final versions of a landing page for paid subscribers as well as conversion introduction to posts
🌀 Many of past journals are of decent quality and could be showcased too
🌀 Both making actual money & sharing my work filled me with satisfaction
🌀 The 25th October entry is almost edited + could be a good entry point
🌀 I have recent experience in sharing things, ideas how to make it work
🌀 There are people who regularly read my works
🌀 Our immediate financial standing is the best it has been in years. We have enough funds to cover the cost of Spain, and if the next payments clear enough to cover living expenses until the end of this year (?)
🌀 Not earning is triggering anxiety, stress & self-esteem problems in me
🌀 There is a voice within me who doubts if going the full-creator route as in focusing on earning from paid subs is a valid idea
🌀 One alternative / supplement move that often appears in my thinking is getting a role/project with a company that would find my notes/data valuable
🌀 There are also other alternative, proven means of earning: consulting hours, and media work
🌀 The growth rate of my subscriber base has been stagnant
🌀 There are many ways of promoting my work I have not tried yet
🌀 I have limited time at disposal
Here’s what I want to happen:
👨🎨 O. Keep Crating
💕 1. Share my Work(s)
💰 2. Get paid well
👨🎨 1. Keep Creating
What I’ve been doing since 25th October, that is:
consistently creating time for writing, ideally both in the morning and before the day ends
living interesting days
and taking photos/videos
is proving to create both internal sense of calm & fulfillment as well as high-quality output.
Saying it simplier: it works.
Sure, all of these factors could be improved on, tweaked, but in general something is going well here.
💕 1. Share my works
This is the department that requires more reps in.
It’s not about “perfect”, “golden shots”, or anything of the kind.
The important thing here is to keep showing up, build a habit/muscle of sharing.
Experimentation is important too.
At this point of journey, it’s all about trying different approaches, ways that could unlock the 10x improvement as elegantly said by James Clear.
Try stuff!
💰 2. Get paid well
Could it be that some as with sharing, also here there are many approaches to be tried?
Maybe paid subs is just one of the hyphens in my multi-hyphen versum?
getting paid by an AI company is also earning through my works
getting hired for media projects is also earning through my work - if I didn’t write / be me people would not cast me in these kinds of jobs
creating content for/with others is also indirectly earning thru my works - they serve as a proof of fluency, proof of work
The bottom here line is:
There are no good or bad approaches.
Only these that work
and those that do not.
Don’t be rigid in thinking,
focus on the goal (money in the bank)
but be extra flexible in how to get there.
Now the first step.
Sharing the 25 Oct journal.
*At least that’s what I think for now, it might change
**Some introduction note? Letter? too? alongside it? stories?
***Make it possible for people who enjoy it to buy
****Keep an open mind, don’t get attached to his idea, maybe during the course of the process of working, an even better solution appears.
Joyful Creatorprenuership
🌘 Evening
Boroszewo, Poland
It’s almost 11pm.
My eyes keep trying to shut, and I yawn uncontrollably.
I thought I’d clean the house before sleep (my parents visit tomorrow) but now it seems impossible.
I’m here to thank myself for another great day.
Despite all odds (weather…)
I turned today’s waking hours into a masterpiece.
Kaufland & Galeria Neptun might not seem like 10/10 entertainment.
I did, however, everything I could to squeeze the best of the card I’ve been dealt.
🍭 Engaging Hugi in shopping treasure hunt
🍭 Buying extra delicacies for Nati (she loved them)
🍭 “Who Ate the Cookie” song on repeat
🍭 Eating pasta by the fountain (so romantic… + he ate the whole serving)
🍭 Ice-cream in Grycan (mmm…..)
🍭 Nosey-nosey parroting parrots
🍭 Observing fish in the zoo shop
🍭 Slime - too much fun
🍭 Toy shop(s) → free entertainment ;)

🍭 When he came into my room at 7pm and demanded I stopped working. And I did, to his delight.
🍭 Reading a book (Snow White) together on the couch pre-bath, and hugging his feet. Gentle love
🍭 Seeing his eyes light up like a million stars when he did the trademark “Can I hug you” before bath
🍭 Stupid outside standing for stupid mental health in the morning (actually a great time)
🍭“It’s your time to shine” + “Dreaming / New Days” t-shirts / messages from the Universe
🍭 Dance Movement + Weight training. Toppp!!!
🍭 “Observing what is” writing work session
🍭 Transcribing the journals → top
Not a trace left.
I’ve given my whole self, and, as always, the result is a day worth writing about.
Invest, give, immerse.
Even in bad weather!
PS. How soft I felt just before going to Hugi-bath and as he was falling asleep → a not bullshitable detector of being on the right frequencies/vibe