We visited Natalia’s Dad & Magda in Chałupy.
🏖️ Amazing things
🏖️ Swimming with Hugi
Aquarius in his element.
Heck, two of them.
By the sea, dipped in water, sand in hair - it’s forever been my happy place.
Now, with Hugi loving it just as much, it feels obvious our new home will be near the beach.
Eternal water way.
🏖️ Szyk Band concert
Natalia’s dad & his wife wowed us with a spectacular, completely unplanned performance on guitar, violin & harmonica.
Hugi couldn’t get enough of it, was absurdly immersed in the show.
So was I.
Unexpected portrayals of life’s beauty - is there anything better?
🏖️ Ease
At no point during this day have I felt rushed, obliged, forced.
Everything flowed smoothly, I could really relax.
This sensation of ease is something I need more often.
Let’s build it.