⛱️ Amazing Things:
⛱️ Morning Walk with Tula / Autumn Comes
First alone, vibin’ to my freshest beats, dancing like a non-polish in the park.
Then with Nati & Hugi the firefighter crew.
It felt like the beginning of Autumn, undeniably.
But somehow, I really liked it.
Go with the flow of the seasons!
⛱️ Working at Bałdziak
Working on my journals is ALWAYS a phenomenal feeling.
It’s so amazing to see all the divine moments & really appreciate them.
My kind of magic.
⛱️ Being useful
Burying Fredzia’s parrot, driving Lucyna to the train station, bringing all 4 ladies flowers.
Being kind fills me with love.
⛱️ Visiting the stadium with Hugi
Effortless, fun time together.
Joy in the most ordinary.
Bonus points for the kisses to the top of my head that I received carrying him around on my shoulders.
⛱️ The Explosion / Venting Out / Being super pissed off at Hugi
I went full psycho, screaming (at least not too loud..xD), threatening to escape to Tahiti, even planning to become a “manly” hands-off dad.
It was a cry for help, for a moment of relax.
Parenting is not the easiest thing on earth.
Especially when you hold yourself to standards this high.
My system simply gave up.
All the emotions, the sleepless nights, the sacrifices I made over these years needed to be heard out & acknowledged.
Of course, it wasn’t Hugi’s fault, none of it.
That’s why it hurts so bad he was the object of my hate, the goat I sacrificed.
As it usually happens, the acting out was a prerequisite for a big release and a new beginning.
⛱️ Top Model
The first step towards healing:
Do something super relaxing, ideally with your partner (in crime).
Metamorfosi episode, tiger’s delight, and all the nerves toned down by at least 80%.
⛱️ Pre-Sleep Cuddling on the Attic
Coup-de-grace to all fury.
Human-to-human, skin-to-skin contact, and sincere talking.
It was a pivotal moment for both of us.
A true conversation, opening for new love