🏖️ Amazing things today
🏖️ Bałdziak - Shrimp Pasta, Mimi & Marta, Terrace
While the moods weren’t at all time high, it was still a pleasant afternoon.
Talking with Fredzia on the terrace (hilarious), buono diner, the 2 hours when Hugi was with my parents at Pola’s & Amelia’s, all in all - good time
🏖️ Morning in Bed
I was so exhausted after the Wedding there was not a chance I could move when Hugi woke up.
Somehow, Nati managed to keep him in bed for 2h+
They played, I semi-napped, Nati hugged me & combed my hair with fingers.
Perfecto Rejuvenation.
🏖️ How good Nati is to me and Hugo
Compassionate, giving, calm.
My favourite Nati ever?