22:15 Just finished yoga + chest workout while listening to Joy Anonymous (new album). Hugi is asleep. Nati on tour, delivering work hits. BAM!
Today’s been pretty.
Lots of real happy moments.
A joyous re-bounce.
Here are the happenings that made me feel alive, uplifted, fulfilled.
Simply amazing:
🍮 Sweetest appreciation from Hugi
“You are the best dad in the World”
“Daddy, you know what? I love you veeery much”
“You are wonderful, Daddy”
That’s about ME???
🍮 Communicating with newfound mutual respect & harmony
Today felt like a coronation of all the hard work I’ve put into changing the way we speak to one another.
Less tantrums, more calm.
Less orders, more fun.
Less fighting, more cooperation.
Less hurry, more space.
Less anger, more love.
It changes everything.
🍮 Hugge late morning at Home
We spent the first (actually second, if we count dropping Nati for train as 1st) part of the day snuggled inside.
Hugi didn’t want to go out, and I made a vow to listen more today.
We read books in couch-fortress, play-doo’ed, and did a pretty intense teddy jump show (funniest thing of the day).
We also ate Ben&Jerry’s for second breakfast (sorry no sorry), hugged naked (“golas do golasa”), and turned Hugo into a paper towel mummy.
And how has your pre-noon been? <3
🍮 Pizza + afternoon with Grandies
My parents helped a lot today.
As they always do.
Pizza for dinner in Link Bistro (deli!), Mum playing with Hugi in the car, walk & throwing sticks with Tula, some chit-chat in between.
All great stuff.
Love ya, folks.
I can always, always count on you.
🍮 6am train drop-off
There’s something magical in the super early missions.
A sense of adventure?
Yeah, that might be it.
Wishing Nati good luck, chasing the train (classic), epic pinkish sunrise on our way back.
A great start to a great day.
🍮 Home cinema
My boy is a certified movie aficionado.
Seeing him do the ecstasy dance twice (!!!) was all the proof I needed to know that lifting the screen time curfew was the right idea.
Let kids have fun!
🍮 🎵 Joy (Up The Street)
Explosion of good vibes.
Perfect soundtrack to this day!
🍮 Nati crushing it at work (obviously…) and seeing her so lit up, in her element
🍮 The messages of love & appreciation from Nati
🍮 Now → workout/yoga + writing + music.
My heaven
🍮 Nap walk + work experiments (video+AI)
One reflection after today:
Whenever excessive darkness comes (parts of yesterday & two days ago) the single most important thing to do is re-focus on actual life events happening in front of me.
Drop the negative narratives (actually all narratives),
stop trying to “solve” “problems” (on dark days 99% of what my mind serves me is made-up crap not actual problems/situations to be taken care of) (actually…stopping all thinking would be ideal too..),
and just concentrate (easily) on (extra)ordinary life.
Love, Bartosz.