As I’m approaching the top of my mountain, I’d like to share an observation.
There is no glory without the fight.
No elixir without the journey.
No satisfaction without the Work.
I’ve chosen a craft that pushes me over & over my comfort levels.
You can’t write without exposing yourself, without allowing people into your world.
I’ve been scared of what others may think.
I still am, big time.
It is, however, a necessary step for me to rise above the fear, and share my works.
I’m in a sweet cafeteria „Kolonia Artystów” (Artists’ Colony).
The place is filled with other weirdos like me, discussing everything from Chopin’s Sonatas to the cultural landscapes of Polish Eastern Block.
We all face the same challenge.
The vulnerability of being an Artist.
It’s a tough job to share your deepest fears, yearnings, and hopes.
We still choose to do it.
Not that we have much choice, really.
The calling is loud & clear.
Ignore your duty, and suffer the consequences.
There’s only one antidote.
Get over yourself, your limited, isolated, frightened mind, and do what’s right:
Share the boon with your fellow humans.
If only one person breaks a tiny grin, or finds a two-second solace to their pain, it’s worth it.
Release yourself, release your WORKS!
The truth is, I wanted to make this move since… forever?
Write from the heart, document my journey, turn it into beautiful pieces, share openly with the world.
I wasn’t ready before.
I wrote for people to notice, adore, like me.
I tried to hide my shadows to be universally loved.
It was a desperate’s call.
I’m in a different place now, feeling somewhat cosy with who I am.
I’m still no millionaire, the abs got covered by last weeks of munchies, and I deal with a fair lot of shit inside my head.
I’m a regular human being, with bad days and all.
Only now, I accept it.
And myself.
This flurry of journals is the most intimate window into my life.
Heartbreaks, suicide notes, and traumas mix with moments of awe, excitement, and heart-melting wholesomeness.
There’s literally not a single thing that was pre-planned, staged or faked.
As raw as it gets.
I dunno if these pieces of me will find their lovers.
Some people might think I’m crazy, and they wouldn’t be much in the wrong.
It’s my highest ordeal, though, to spread my gospel.
And through that, my wings.
I’m ready.
No creature, no demon, no wound will stop me.
There’s a job to be done.
And the hero is here.
Let the divine story unfold.
Love, Bartosz