Great days come in all shapes.
Today was of perfect homey-workey variety.
Amazing things
♡ Pure Hugi Love
Not a single clash, and lotta lotta love.
I learned my lesson, and I’m a plush parent again.
It works like a charm.
Nothing makes me happier than when things are fine between the two of us.
My Sonny!
♡ Journal:Data Masterclass
I did heroic work today.
Okay, nothing is published yet, but I definitely pushed the needle in the right direction.
I’m not sure why, but this project feels like power, calm, money, excitement, and purpose all at the same time.
I will uncover the next cards for sure.
♡ <Tiny pleasure break>
Smoothies, cake, burgers, pasta, coffee.
Grateful for my food.
♡ Morning movement session
Ecstatic dance, free flow, and some cocktail bottle juggling tricks to top it off.
A fantastique start to the day.
Bonus points for superb video/handstand (kudos for trying new things, Barti!)
♡ Biking happiest moments
“Najszczęśliwszy moment dnia” - Hugi
What can I say…
It’s my dearest moment too, Sonny.
You + me + 2 wheels = love forever
♡ Casa del Wariaci
Oh, this little family of mine is everything.
We are all big time weridos, and I wouldn’t change it for a thing.
♡ Power walk
Total immersion, unity.
I’m back in the higher states of being.
(80% attributable to the sensational track to the day. Stomper!)
♡ 5:30 club
Set yourself for love & success.
♡ Mission: Space Acrobatics (afternoon) & Albi quizzes (morning)
More Hugi fun.
♡ Szymon Rączka inspirning story + Błażej’s support
♡ Gifted, bipolar, out of scale autistic freak
Claude on me