I’m in my childhood home.
A sip of coffee (black) and warm yellowish rays coming from the side make this moment calm & serene.
It’s one of the rare occasions when the aura is all-encompassing.
Another sip (just one tiny left), and it’s time.
Let the Heart sing.
The last couple of days were hectic.
I often felt drained, powerless, as if I couldn’t take on any.more.
But I could.
And I did.
I’ve been to many rodeos before.
It’s always the same story.
Couple days of stain, wrecked nerves, all-consuming tension, then mega light.
Just how I feel right now.
I hate these growth spurts when they’re happening.
But if not for them, I would never find out what I’m made of.
Reach deep enough, and thou shall discover.
That being said, it’s just marvelous to be in the sun again.
Reconfigured, tougher, ready to reap the fruits of labor.
I don’t know if I will be able to deliver on all my pre-birthday intentions.
It may happen that there just aren’t enough hours in the day to make it work as first envisioned.
It’s okay.
I’ll still do my best in the time I have left.
What happens, happens.
I’m not gonna terrorize myself over, out of all things, not meeting my own expectations.
What If I got it all wrong this whole time?
What if my work could be done without a hint of tension?
How would it feel to just play?
Barti, Love.
You don’t need to prove yourself to the World, nor you.
You are good enough even without breakout success under your belt.
Your plans, your dreams will come true.
You are making them true.
Drop the stress, it’s not needed.
Move gracefully, float like the heavenly being you are.
Don’t you worry a second more.
We got this.
All of it.
It’s time to let go, and spread the wings.
Naturally, they were always here.
I was.
Uncovering, return, homecoming.
Bartosz LOVE Trocha
Amazing Things 12 January:
ღ Wydział Zabaw / Play Department
I love days like this,
and I love being this Daddy.
Hugi is my treasure.
And treasures deserve all the best in this world (that applies to me too!)
What better could I give him then hours spent together having extra fun?
Ball pool, laying the pipes, spidey missions, crawling in these tight corridors, sending air mail, his smile.
Beautiful time,
beautiful memory.
Here’s to many more adventures like this, Comrade!
ღ Forum Gdańsk
H loves galleries / shopping malls.
“Look, Dad, how beautiful it all looks here!”
It might not be the most developing entertainment to run by the shops, but I don't care.
We had a good time <3
ღ Going to sleep with Hugi
I was at 0% battery when we came back.
My body demanded rest, and I delivered.
Note for future self:
Listen to your body.
Sometimes it’s okay to push through, that’s often the case (fake tiredness).
But there are also occasions, like this one, when rest is essential.
Go to sleep!