What is love?
33rd b-day edition.
💝 Waking up on my birthday to the melody of two sweet elves, birthday cake, and thoughtful gifts
My special day couldn’t have started better.
I slept until 7:40 (Nati took the 6 am slot as the first gift), and woke up pretty rested despite how much I worked in the previous days (1/1:30 am bedtime, 5-6h of sleep).
First thing I saw (okay… second…I checked my work stuff first, I’ll admit it) were my two bunnies, dressed in birthday caps, singing “Happy Birthday / Sto Lat”, carrying two beautifully packed gifts.
I was so moved.
Tears of joy started dripping on my cheeks, I laughed, my heart felt fuller than at anytime in recent history.
It was like a lightening, awakening.
I realized how lucky I am to have them, how much they love me, and that I love them back just as much.
A small thing that made me melt?
The golden pen/marker - gift from Hugi.
Apparently, he came up with the idea all by himself.
He knows I love writing and I love colour gold.
Hence the heart-melting gift.
How can a not-even-3-year-old be so smart & loving?
Oh, and the photo…
I just adore it.
One for the family archives, a snapshot of how it feels to be Loved!
💝 Not rushing
I took my time in the morning.
Shaving, cleaning the house, dressing up nicely.
Yes, we had plans for the day.
But after last week’s intensity, I needed to take it slow.
The sound of unhurriedness, melody of my heart.
💝 Tropical drinks (0%) in Olivia Star
First surprise of the day?
Absolutely spectacular botanical garden / cafe in Gdańsk.
A magical place, and a magical experience.
Was it the Marbella Palms, the dreamy delicious cocktails, or my caring company that stole my heart?
All of it.
💝 Jumping with Joy
Wow wow wow.
1 hour of pure endorphins, full-mouth smiles, and a full-body workout on top.
Seeing Hugi crush it at the course, Nati demonstrating elite-grade athleticism (Pantera!), and a cheeky backflip by yours truly (still got it!).
Divine time.
💝 Mouth-watering delicacies @ Bez/Mięsny
Best food in months (since Chimichanga in Falla Gdynia?)
Jackfruit burger, bomb falafel, Mio Mate - fingerlickin’ bday diner.
Will come back.
💝 Meeting my parents, the creators of my story
Things are fantastic between us currently.
Just look how easy & loving we look together in the pics.
It was a short visit (Dad had an accident surgery planned at 8pm) but still a great one.
Birthday is equal parts important for the one who’s having it, as it is to those who gave him life.
💝 The phonecalls & messages
I appreciate every single text & call.
It filled me with appreciation (honour?) to see there are people who care for me, and wish me the best.
Notable moments?
Talking from the heart with Mimi for about half an hour, and my grandma Nina telling the classic “Do I look like a grandma?” story for the 32th time.
PS. I feel great about picking up the phone & replying asap. That almost never happened in the past → birthday doom days.
💝 Home cinema
The best way to end (ok almost…) an already amazing day?
Movie on the big screen!
It’s always a special time when the 3 of us watch stuff together, and this time was no different.
Cozy cuddly togetherness.
💝 Evening with the love of my life (and the mastermind behind the day’s awesomeness)
There’s someone who deserves extra credit for making this birthday my best one yet.
Flawless execution from the moment I woke up until midnight hit (and we were listening to Budka Suflera <don’t ask> xD )
We’ve had our ups & downs over the years, but this day reassured me it’s you who I want to spend all coming birthdays with.
You are one of a kind.
And the 3 hours we’ve shared after Hugi went to sleep?
A memory to cherish until the end of our days.
My second half, mum to my kid(s), warrior, princess, adorable weirdo.
Maybe one last thing:
💝 Accepting the ending / Embracing the beginning
The last couple of days leading to my birthday were among the toughest ever.
A whirlwind of ups & downs, corrida of emotions.
It was a fight.
I got knocked down more than once.
One of my big goals did not turn reality.
A part of me, one I relied on (was addicted to?) needed to be let go of.
I died, and returned afresh.
What new awaits in this turn around the earth?
Let’s find out.
My only wish?
Towards the Love.