Baby, let’s take a trip to the Wild side.
I want to not care about after effects.
It would be so liberating to just do my job, do it well, and Release it to the world.
I’m terrified of people’s reactions.
My sensitivity to (potential!) rejection is blocking me from living the life I want, need, and deserve.
It’s not the quality of my works.
It’s not lack of time.
It’s not the format.
It’s not even the money.
The only block on my way is FEAR.
How does one overcome scary-paralysis?
By looking the beast right in the eye.
What is it that I’m afraid of precisely?
How can I mitigate the risks I’m anxious about?
What new perspective(s) do I need to reprogram myself to see to finally jump over the people’s opinion hurdle?
I won’t ever be free, I won’t ever be Me if I don’t cross this chasm.
The rite of passage.