Stop looking for the golden bullet.
"The answer" is not coming.
No final solution is available.
There’s only more questions, more puzzles, more work on my way.
It's my fixation on certainty, it's my risk-aversion that keeps me stuck.
What if I flipped the switch.
Fundamentally rewrote my playbook.
I don't need answers.
Just the courage to open doors.
Venture out into Unknown.
Expand the view.
Live the life of questions.
now for real.
Your, our journey won't ever be possible to map out beforehand.
Each step we take pushes the limit of what we thought was possible.
Every move uncovers uncharted territories.
You are the trailblazer.
Nobody walked your path.
Stop looking for cues in others’ autobiographies.
Write your own, an epic saga.
Do what only you can do.
Live your life, the sweetest mystery.
Love, Bartosz