Where do I start?
It’s been a while since I have published my journals.
I thought I’m done with writing.
There are so many other, more lucrative, more rational jobs in the world.
But I don’t feel myself without letters and words.
Nothing makes sense, peace is not found.
Bartosz love(s) writing.
I made a pact with myself.
Every day, I’ll carve out a bite in the fabric of time to nourish the Muse.
It’s an act of self-love.
I do need my pen pal, day in / day out.
Some paths seem absurd to others.
Damn, me myself & I tried to mute this inner calling.
I’m back, though.
Let’s see where the trip takes us.
What’s happening in my life right now?
We’re in Poland, living in our summer adventures era.
It’s been a fabulous experience so far.
Garbicz, SummerContrast, Wibracje, Berlin were all great.
As were all the barbecues, bike rides, and family & friends meet-ups.
I couldn’t have wished for a better summer time.
I know it’s only 19 August.
Still a month or two of good weather left.
I feel the fall coming anyway.
This means CHANGE.
I’m in a vulnerable place mentally.
Part of me latches to the carefree summer vibes.
The other me knows it’s time to grow up, and embrace the new season, with all its demands.
So much is ahead.
Moving out, new job, the still-secret project that will define all years to come.
Life is calling, am I ready to give it my best?
The party’s not over.
I’ll never stop dancing.
It’s just a turnaround, directing my boogie towards new avenues.
Let’s prove adulting can be fun.
Let’s crank up the gear, still carrying the festival torch.
Good things might be coming to an end.
I’m sure though, there’s even better times coming.
Courage, Barti!
We’re off to the open seas again.
Love, Bartosz